Thursday, January 29, 2015

Where Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

By Maura Gergerich, Toppel Peer Advisor

As kids we always get asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Although that is important to figure out it seems to slip people’s minds that where you are affects your success and happiness as much as what you do does. A lot of students currently searching for jobs are happy to go anywhere just as long as they have a job. However, the idea of searching across the entire country and possibly world is just a bit daunting. A great place to start is to research which cities have the best opportunities in your field. Some cities, for instance New York, are practically limitless to the types of jobs found there. But this doesn’t mean that it’s the perfect place for everyone. If the crowded city isn’t your scene don’t lose hope! For many industries, the best job markets are actually not where you’d expect. It just takes a bit of research to find it.

It also helps to keep in mind that even in a city that may not have your career’s ideal opportunities a little extra effort searching may be worth it. If you’re a person who can’t stand the idea of going back to the cold after spending so many years in Miami, even if you find out Gnome, Alaska has the most opportunities it may not be worth it. currently has a list of the top ten happiest and least happy cities to work in across the US. And for anyone who has fallen in love with the sunshine and palm trees of Florida, Miami ranks number one with Orlando not far behind at number 4. These opinions may not exactly align with your own but it’s definitely good to keep in mind that where you are is going to impact your life as much if not more than what company you work for.

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