Friday, August 26, 2011

How to Weather the Storm like a Hurricane

Welcome Back Hurricanes!
By: Priyanka Surio

With Irene nearby, we are all holding on to our seats and crossing our fingers that Miami can weather the storm, or that it miraculously passes us by. However, the school year is another hurricane altogether and something we cannot avoid. Therefore, the Toppel Peer Advisors have decided to come up with a few things that will help you this year, academically, professionally, and mentally!

- Plan Ahead in all cases (if you want an internship for the spring or summer, look now.
- Be Organized - Make a list of dates of when you have important projects and tests due so you know what to prioritize and when to work on them
- Leave five to ten minutes earlier than the time you designated to be somewhere (you never know what can happen or what storms may come upon you)
- Try something new! This old adage can go a long way towards making this a great year vs. just an okay year. So join a club, be a leader, get an internship, learn a language, BE PROACTIVE.

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